Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Analysis of the External Factors of Citrix Systems Free Essay Example, 6250 words

In order for the product development to be successful, the structure and management style of the company clearly requires to be a decentralized approach. Hence, a decentralized approach has been recommended, along with a focus on product development, which help the company improve customer loyalty and achieve a stronger customer database. CITRIX Systems is an MNC which provides the customers with desktop virtualization, servers, Software as a Service (SaaS) and also networking. The company is widespread and has a number of outlets and organizations across the worldwide. The company has been able to develop a strong corporate image for itself worldwide and has been able to develop a strong partnership with almost ten thousand companies worldwide. This paper aims at discussing, in brief, the history of the company followed by a thorough analysis of both the external factors of the company as well as a detailed competitor analysis. CITRIX was started way back in 1989, and was founded b y Edward Iacobucci and was known as Citrus. The company started off small with an investment of $3 million. Iacobucci formerly worked for IBM and was a true innovator who was then focused on building an OS2 with a multi-user support. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of the External Factors of Citrix Systems or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This, however, was not of much interest for IBM who declined the idea leading Ed Iacobucci to quit. This, however, was where Ed Iacobucci took on the challenge and refused the job offer at Microsoft, to build his own company. The early years did not bring any revenues for the company, however in the year 1989 and 1990 the company merged with UNIX and went on to be known as CITRIX. As time passed by CITRIX went on to build stronger relations with Microsoft which in turn was the turning point for the company (CITRIX, 2010). The company has grown to become a leader in the global applications delivery infrastructure market. However more than the history of the company, it is essential to gain a better perspective on strategic history.

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